This morning Chuck fell asleep watching TV. I can't believe he fell asleep watching the Dog Whisperer. That's his favorite show. I think he might have had too much to drink last night...
I spent the morning drinking coffee and playing Sudoku and Crossword Puzzles. Chopin is playing softly in the radio distance. I've noticed that it takes my brain a good 45 minutes to get clear and bright; revving for a good quick mind game. Otherwise, I am dull, dim witted, and altogether dark and dense.

This afternoon has been dedicated to first of many fall clean ups in the ol' garden. My great and grand walnut tree is falling into Autumn. The leaves are browning and creating a great mess. I must find a way to compost. I try not to think about the possiblity of losing this tree. The neighbors are complaining about the "basura" and they think the roots are growing under their house. If so, the problem surely must be remedied...altho, I hate to think of losing the tree. For as much as I complained about how messy it is, the thought of cutting it down makes me grateful to rake twice, nay, thrice a week!