At least that is my perception. He told me a story about a friend of his in Russia, Uzbekistan to be exact. He said that his friend had another friend. A fellow who had recently fell onto hard times. His parents had passed away unexpectedly and his brother had fallen ill. The losses and turmoil in his life had left him anxious; nerves frayed and he was no longer able to cope with even everyday matters. A friend (Boris' Friend) bought a ring and gave it to his friend. When the fellow asked, "Why did you buy me this ring?" the friend replied, "Because I want you to look at this ring every time you feel bad and remember me and know that I will always help you. You will never be alone."
Well, you can imagine, I was damn near in tears. I was also thinking 'Does this guy know that I am a stressball or what?' Then he looked at me and said, "Don't worry so much. Everything is going to be okay. Everything is always going to be okay." I wondered, 'Can he look into my eyes and know that I owe tens of thousands of dollars for Mr. Donaghy's medical bills? Does he see that I am worried I will have to move to Canada because my husband may be denied emigration? Does he see that I don't want to be a nurse anymore and I hate going to work?' or is that he sees lines on my face and I need Botox? Ha!

My living room has become the dumping grounds for everything that was once in the kitchen. Funnily enough, there is room for both the things that were already in the living room and EVERYTHING that was in the kitchen. I suppose I could deduce that there was really not that much in the kitchen to start. And even more funnily, I am going to donate most of the stuff that was in there so's I can buy new pretty things worthy of a brand new sparkly clean kitchen. Those pretty new things are going in with the new appliances I just bought at Best Buy this afternoon. I decided to go with white and break away from the stainless steel mold. White will look clean and shiny. LOVE IT!!!
Alas, it's 8:51 pm now. Mr. Donaghy doesn't want to see the Darjeeling Limited tonite so I've agreed to go to In 'n Out instead. Altho, I must be honest and confess that I am secretly elated at the prospect of a Double Double Animal AND Protein Style. Goin' crazy!!!
Until then, a mighty Hurrah to you all!
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