Thursday, November 1, 2007

Oh, Chuck...

Mr. Donaghy and I were heading out the door to go grocery shopping. Chuck usually makes requests for the shopping list. He prefers nachos, popcorn, steaks, and rotisserie chicken over his dry food Whiskas. We normally tell him "No, Chuck, you are just a little guy. You can't tell us what to buy you to eat. You just have to eat what we give you." Well, Chuck certainly made his point loud and clear when he insisted on coming with us the grocery store. As a matter of fact, he told us that if we didn't get him what he wanted, he wanted us to leave him at the store so someone would buy him some real chicken, not the hard dry stuff. As you can imagine, we were stunned to learn that he felt so strongly about this. We told him we would buy him some chicken and promptly made an appointment with a psychologist. Mr. Donaghy feels that Chuck needs to be put in his place and remember once and for all dammit that he is just a cat.

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