Monday, December 8, 2008

I Was Supposed To Go To The Gym...

But, I got too busy spending hours Christmas shopping. I went with my friend Stephanie. She's from Kentucky and has all kinds of good sense about her. So, I figured she would be a great person to go shopping with. You know, just very no nonsense. None of this stop and linger to look at everything business. And because of that, we got all of our shopping done.

The funniest thing about the day was when we stopped at the food court to have lunch. Panda Express it was. When we finished our meal, we opened our fortune cookies. Mine read, "Sunday is a good day to relax."

Good tip and one I will never take. You see, I don't really know how to relax. I am always doing something and when I hear people say they are bored I always wonder how because I think there are too many things to do.

But, forget about that. I am most excited about this one particular purchase I made today. I bought a diamond ring for my mother! This is by far the best present I have ever given her. And, yes, it's real. It's big, and sparkly, and real. Mr. Donaghy was quite impressed and also quite taken aback at my (I mean our) generosity. He hopes that we will become the favorites and that Baby Jesus will be forgotten this year. One can only dream.

Mr. Donaghy came home sick from work today. He had coughed so much and so hard he threw his back out. Poor lad. I hope he is on the mend and quickly now, quickly.

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