Monday, October 8, 2007

All Was Lost

Ah, the troubles with technology. My computer crashed and I lost everything that was on it. All the photos of my family in Indiana, all the photos of Mr. Donaghy and I, and all the photos of my life for the past 3 or 4 years. When I got the news that everything was lost, I was shocked that I was completely okay with that. It's as though the house caught fire (p.s. my worst fear ever) and I lost "things". I figured I lived just fine before these "things" were in existence and I imagine that I could keep living pretending they never existed.

Met with another contractor today. He quoted an outrageous price. Well, not really but I can't afford what he proposed. I told him that I would think about it and then proceeded to spend the next 30 minutes reminding him that I would, indeed, think about it as he began to tell me all the reasons why I should be careful and pick him. I was irritated when he asked me if I was serious about having work done to the house. AM I SERIOUS!!! No, buddy, are you serious? Oh Yes!!! I love scrambling around the house making sure everything is clean and tidy so the person coming over does not think we are slobs. I love spending three hours with a total stanger in my house showing him every room knowing that I am standing in front of the drawer with all my panties and jewery and hoping they don't have x-ray vision. Hmmmm. The pleasures of being an adult and dealing with this *!@%.

The bright spot of the day was the many pink buds I've been noting on my rose bushes. I dare say they are about to explode. Pictures to follow.

There are a few patients in the hospital that I have taken care of and I cannot seem to get them out of my mind. I think that I am softening in my old age and I really have prayed to God that he take good care of them. I do not dare ask Him to cure would be heartbreaking if they weren't. I've only asked Him to please take care of them and make sure that they do not suffer. Alas, I am hoping that soon, I can leave work at the hospital. It's not that I don't like it. I just don't love it anymore. It hurts a bit when you try hard to save someone's life and it all goes to shit just because it has to. I am weary that's all. Just weary.

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