Sunday, November 23, 2008

7 Things About Myself...

Since I was tagged by Fancy This&That...I will humor said blogger by participating.

1. When I am really busy or even not so busy, one of my favorite things to do is close my eyes and pretend I just got named to win an Oscar. I even pretend that my face is on the TV screen of millions of viewers at home and go through the slow motion action of delayed and stunned reaction. The only thing that brings me to life is Mr. Donaghy embracing me in a proud congratulatory love hug. My eyes widen at the realization that I have won. My lips read, "Holy shit!" for zillions to see. Meryl Streep stands up to applaud me.

And there is nothing after that.

2. I clip pictures and articles of Kate Moss. Shhh. Don't tell anyone. I have been doing this since high school. Alas, every year, I throw everything away and start fresh.

3. I have dreams that include the surprising appearance of at least six kittens. These kittens come from the ceiling, walls, vents, and just miraculously show up while I am outside doing my dream stuff.

4. I sing really loud in the car all by myself. And, yes, I DO think I am hella sucking!

5. Much to the chagrin of Mr. Donaghy, my socks and undies all have holes in them. Where?, you might ask...Well, I never! That's a personal question and a personal choice of where I would like to have my holes!!!!

6. I secretly wish that I could be a vegetarian. Maybe even a vegan. It's really healthy for oneself but I am entirely too undisciplined for the endeavor.

7. I watch Practical Magic, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Funny Face, and Something's Gotta Give almost on a continuous loop. I have been doing this since I was 19 years old. The latter film since I was 26 or 27.

There you have it.

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