Friday, April 24, 2009

Four Years...Four Very Long Years

I spent the better part of the morning creating a budget. Between the two of us, we collect six paychecks a month and we needed to decide how to allocate these funds for our various debts and credit card, student loan, car note, mortgage, on and so forth.

Out of this number crunching came the "Four Year Plan". How long will it take to pay off the credit card? How long will it take to pay off the car? How long will it take to pay off the student loan? How long will it take to save nine months worth of emergency money?

It will take Four Years...Four Very Long Years. I want everything paid off now. I want 50,000 in the bank now. I want to win the lottery now. This economy is making me very nervous as I am one of the many Americans who cannot refinance as I owe more than I'm worth. And, no, Fannie Mae does not own my loan and nor does her brother Freddie Mac.

The only light at the end of the tunnel is twofold...1) It will only take four years and for some it will take much longer and 2) Mr. Donaghy promised me he would work on the house for as long as our petty cash will allow. Hallelujah!!!!! O, happy day!!!

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