Ahhh. I am 33 years old and I am in love with a vampire that doesn't exist except only in a preteen's dreams. What the hell is wrong with me??? I friggin' love this series of books. I read all four in exactly four days. Mr. Donaghy was a little worried about me. Then I went to see it in the theater. Mr. Donaghy offered to see it with me as one of my gripes is that we don't go to the movies often enough...which is one of my favorite things to do. However, I told him that I would be cheating on him for about two hours; roughly the duration of the movie; and therefore, I should do it alone. And, yes, it is the first time I've gone to the movies alone. But, it was totally worth it. The movie itself was a turkey but Mr. Pattinson does not disappoint. Love him! Mean it!
I'm addicted to another website. www.thisyounghouse.com. Very cool.
Went to PCC today for the first time with Lizzard and her mom. Picked up a really cool Foo dog.

Please forgive the crappy resolution. I can't find my digital camera and photo booth is what I have to work with. Mr. Donaghy is not impressed. He thinks it looks really ugly. Like craft project ugly. He might be right but for $30 who gives a rat's ass right?
Also, Lizzard's mom bought me an angel trumpet for 5 bucks!! Yessss! I've been wanting one for so long but have lacked some serious funds...well, thanks Linda. Your the best!
Another fun website...www.pacingthepanicroom.com. Young couple, possibly developmentally delayed son, and baby on the way. Oh yeah, they are totally broke so I can really relate.
Playing the drums is my new bag, man. Have loads of fun for long periods of time. Much to the chagrin of my neighbors I presume.
I've started making cookies. First time in my life. From scratch.
Attempting to start a community garden and running out of some serious steam. The site we (me and Ashley) found was perfect and the day we were going to inquire about it we saw a fence had been erected around the site. THEY ARE BUILDING A CONDOMINIUM!!! Argh! Disgusting.
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